God Says: Momma Affirmation 4


I am a provider of physical life and growth to my children.

“She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.”
~Proverbs 31:15

Here’s that pesky Proverbs 31 woman again. Am I the only one who reads Proverbs 31 and gets overwhelmed?

Last week we talked about wanting to have a schedule and following that said schedule. I told you my desire of being that woman who has a set schedule and having the perfectly clean house while running a business from her phone and birthing out babies in her tub. But let’s be real, that’s not me. I will never have a clean home because I have a toddler that likes to throw her toys as soon as I pick them up. In fact, her favorite game is taking her bag of blocks and dumping them on the ground.

It’s fine! I’m fine.

But I will say that the one thing I do actively try to do is wake up early in the morning. I actively try and wake up at 5 AM (while it’s still dark) so that I can have my personal quiet time. I make myself a cup of coffee, I take my vitamins and medications, I drink water, and I sit and enjoy time with my Lord Jesus. It’s nice, because it’s a guaranteed 1-2 hours without having a toddler screaming at me, or having to listen to the annoying whine of Peppa Pig (I dislike her but the baby LOVES her). It’s time for me to work on myself.

Having that extra time also allows me to make sure my meals are planned and the groceries are figured out. Because of COVID I’ve been trying to do a lot of pick up or delivery options, so I like to have my list figured out ahead of time. I feel like it’s a very important part of being a SAHM that I take care of my family by providing meals. I actually get kind of annoyed when people offer to cook for me. Like, um, no!! This is my JOB!!! I’m usually gently reminded that it isn’t my job but I still feel like it is.

I suppose that’s what happens when you go from being a manager of a store/restaurant to being a SAHM. My identity is in my job and in what I do, so I place that identity in being a mom and a wife that provides a good meal and a clean house. I’m still working on that clean house part.

So why is this important to our children?

Honestly, if we aren’t taking care of ourselves and our household then are we actually able to take care of our children? I don’t think so. I think that we need to have time to ourselves where we work on who we are as moms and wives. It’s important to meet with Jesus in a quiet setting and asking him to speak to us through what we read or write. It’s important to have these moments without the little one so that we can stay sane.

I hope that you are one of those moms that doesn’t need a break from her kids, but maybe you should try it. I definitely need breaks. I get excited when my husband is home and he can bath her and put her to bed. I’m slowly pushing past this feeling of failure when he helps me with the baby because being able to have a moment where I can eat a snack without a grubby hand reaching into my bowl is important to me.

We need these moments to keep ourselves sane. And our family needs us to have these moments so that we can fully take care of them.

Take this affirmation and write it down. Put it somewhere you can see it and remember how amazing you are as a mom!!

Thanks for reading!! Let me know how I can pray for you in the next week or so!!

WIth Light and Love,


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